We are born with two fears; the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. ALL other fears have been learned! That’s right! We actually learn to be fearful of something. This could be from our own experience or from the experience of someone else. Yes we actually ‘borrow’ someone else’s fear and take [...]
Sticks and Stones may break my bones

…..but names will never hurt me. We all remember that rhyme from our childhood. It was the one that your parents repeated to you when you came home from school and told of your woes. As a parent now, I do understand why they said this. I used to think ‘sticks and stones could break my [...]
Say No to Resolutions this New Year, do this instead…

It is that time again as the year again – to make New Year’s Resolutions. To start the year with good intentions of exercising, going on a diet, quitting smoking, getting a new job, moving home etc. How many times you done this? How many times have you given up, been distracted or lost motivation? [...]
The Unconscious Mind

or most of us we are rarely aware of the powerful role that our Unconscious Mind plays in our lives. In the past it was something that I had heard people mention but to be honest did not really give it a second thought. If I had realised that it held the key to many [...]
Smoking Addiction?

Why the body gets tricked into becoming addicted to smoking… The scientific reason behind the habit. I hear smokers say they can’t give up because the tobacco is an addiction. It is not the tobacco they are addicted to, it is Nicotine. Nicotine is the poison Nicotine is present in all tobacco products and it [...]
What would make you want to QUIT?

Smokers are Not stupid! In fact smokers are very resourceful! Consider this; a smoker can be very resourceful, they will always find their smoke. If they do not already have the funds reserved in their budget, however small, they will find them. Smokers will always find a way to have a cigarette, as the saying [...]
Life’s Journey

As we travel through life it sometimes comes to our attention that where we are is no longer enough for us. We become aware, perhaps for the first time, that life is broader than we first thought; has new horizons to offer. We find that those around us may not have our thirst for knowledge, [...]